2024 Tournament Schedule

4/26/2024 Golf Course Opens-Front Nine Only
5/01/2024 Nine and Dine Begins-Every Wednesday 4:00 PM Golf Course/Patio $5.00
5/02/2024 Pete Campos Fund Raiser
5/03/2024 Friday Games Begin-Every Friday 9:00 AM $20.00
5/03/2024 Pete Campos Fund Raiser
5/07/2024 Pendaries Ladies Day-Every Tuesday 9:00 AM
5/07/2024 Skins Game Begins-Every Tuesday 8:30 AM $10.00
5/26/2024                                 Pairings Party for Memorial Day Scramble 6:00 PM Patio
5/27/2024 Memorial Day Scramble (abcd)-Blind Draw 9:00 AM  Shotgun $60.00
6/03/2024 Men’s Match Play Begins $40.00
6/15/2024 Father’s Day 4-Person Scramble 10:00 Make Your Team $10.00 +green fee
6/22/2024 2nd Annual San Miguel Mora Buyers Club Scramble 9:00 Make Your Team $50.00
6/17/2024 Association of Counties Golf Tournament Noon   Full
7/04/2024 July 4th Flag Tourney-Individual Play Make Your Own T-Time
7/13/2024 CareNet Golf Tournament Scramble 9:00 AM Shotgun
8/03/2024 Couples Tourney-Horse Race After Paly 9:00 AM
8/17/2024 Play for Pendaries-Format TBD 9:00 AM
9/01/2024 Pairings Party for Labor Day Scramble 6:00 PM Patio
9/02/2024 Labor Day Scramble (abcd) Blind Draw 9:00 AM Shotgun
9/07/2024 Mens & Ladies Club Championship Day 1 8:30 AM T-Times Start@8:30 AM
9/08/2024 Mens & Ladies Club Championship Day 2 8:30 AM T-Times Start@8:30 AM
9/14/2024 Robertson Athletic Department Fundraiser 9:00 AM Shotgun $500/team
9/28/2024 Mora High School Tournament 9:00 AM Shotgun $400/team
10/20/2024 Golf Course Closes for the Season
10/21/2024 Employee Appreciation Scramble, Party & Lunch

Call 505.425.3559 or email [email protected]
for updates and information on availability for 2024.